Prestige health and wellnesas is a nurse practitioner owned health and wellness center providing integrative behavioral, health and wellness services.

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New Year, A Better Me

New Year

Table of Contents

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? You’ve heard of the old adage “New Year New Me.” Why do I need to become a new person? Just stop and think about that for 5 seconds. It’s bullshit- something society sells you in order to make you feel like you are missing something.  Some of us tell ourselves that who we are is not good enough. New year resolutions are like biting into a bad apple. They’re unrealistic! Many of us create new resolutions but then what happens when those new year resolutions don’t work out? What does it do to your mental health? Why make resolutions that cause you stress, anxiety, and disappointment? 2020 was such a traumatic year. However, instead of focusing on the predicament of a never ending pandemic, let us focus on restoration and rejuvenation. Let’s focus on our mental health. Let’s focus on being present in the moment, with our children and loved ones.

Why not a “New Year A better Me?” I have had a traumatic year and I have done a lot of reflection into my life with deep thoughts about my dreams, desires, and what I want to achieve. The one thing that is constant is to be a better me. Yes it is a new year, but I am still the same person. What can I do better in order to strengthen my myself emotionally, physically, and spiritually? What about practicing mindfulness, working on self-healing, or implementing activities to have a more proactive lifestyle? What can you do to help yourself get better sleep and mental clarity? What self-care activity will you implement every week in order to have a balanced life? I encourage you to focus on being the better version of the you that currently exists. Furthermore, self-love is the best love. When you open yourself up to all the possibilities that loving yourself entails, the world around you changes. Remove all the pressures and just focus on you. The world is constantly shifting. It’s time to Live again so you can thrive again!

At Prestige Health & Wellness, mental health is who we are! We are dedicated to providing compassionate quality care to improve the health of the community one person at a time.


While we strive to always provide accurate, current, and safe advice in all of our articles and guides, it’s important to stress that they are no substitute for medical advice from a doctor or healthcare provider.  You should always consult a practicing professional who can diagnose your specific case.  The content we’ve included in this guide is merely meant to be informational and does not constitute medical advice. 

Written by Dr. Louisana Louis, DNP, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC